Friday, February 24, 2012

[Feb-23-2012] How to Root the NOOK Tablet

WARNING: I am not responsible for anything if you damage your device while using this guide.  All information in this guide is tested to be working on NOOK Tablet.  This will void your warranty on it as well.**If anything should go wrong or if you just want to go back to stock click on this link**

NOTE: If you are already rooted and would just like to flash cyanogenmod (CM7) then click here.

- Nook Tablet running up to 1.4.1 (no need to downgrade anymore for root)
- An SD-card (any size will do but I suggest you use one other than the one you've been using with your NT, if you were using one)
- SD card media reader (if you don't have one just follow the advice in blue note under step 2 and so forth)
- The ability to follow instructions to the letter

Download the Windows Utility/CWM image package from Indirect's post

Then download the root package from this post (it's the link right above the credits)

Now follow instructions below:
1. Extract the anywhere (Do not extract the file)

2. Insert the sd-card into the reader slot in your computer

NOTE: If you do not have an sdcard reader on your computer just mount the sdcard from the Nook Tablet to access it on your computer via the image burner program

3. Now double click on the "Win32DiskImager.exe" file and it will open the program you will use to burn the cwm image on to the sd.  Make sure no other storage devices are plugged in to the computer.

4. Now in the program under "device" you should see a letter.  If no other storage devices are plugged in then that single letter is your sdcard. (If you are mounting the sdcard thru the Nook as mentioned in the note then you should see two letters instead of one.  This is because the Nook also has internal storage in addition to the external sdcard you use with it.  You must know what letter your sdcard is.  If you are not sure then take the sdcard out of the Nook and then plug it back in to the computer to see what letter the internal storage appears under.  Then unplug the Nook, put the sdcard back in it and plug the Nook back up to the computer.  The sdcard would be the other letter that appears under "device" in the program that wasn't there before)

5. Now that you have the sdcard visible in the program, click on the blue folder and it should already direct you to the path where the "cwm_sd_flashing_boot.img" file is. 

6. After selecting the cwm image file click on the "write" button.  Wait until it finishes and when it does -congratulations- you should have yourself a fully functional cwm recovery sdcard. 

7. Now transfer the file onto the sdcard and put it in the Nook (if it isn't already in it).

8. Power the NOOK Tablet off and then power it back on by holding the "n" and the "power" button together until it turns back off again.  (do not let go of the two buttons until your device is fully off)

9. Now power it back on normally with the power button alone. You will see a picture of an "N" on the screen followed by a brown box with a white background.  Lastly you should see "CWM booting up".

10. Now follow steps below to complete the rooting process:

  -Select install zip from sdcard
  -Choose zip from sdcard
  -Reboot and remove sdcard immediately

11. You are now ROOTED!

Click here to flash CM7 on to your NOOK Tablet.

 Source: xda

For those that feel they can't or do not want to take a chance at rooting their devices and would rather have it rooted by a professional then click here to be directed to the Android Root King and have your device rooted in no time!

Click here to check out the Android Root King on Facebook


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